As you can see the Google search has now changed forever. Google are giving preference to mobile-friendly-websites, they display correctly across all mobile devices and thats not just for smart phones we are talking about thats tablets and laptops as well. Nothing is more annoying than having to pinch and squeeze and slide to the left to try and see what’s on the page!
With upto 70% of search all done via mobile devices its imperative that your website be updated to a mobile-friendly-website.
Please note this update is not to punish any single website, your site might still display but they are giving preference (better rankings) to mobile-friendly designed websites. Googles primary motivation behind this update is to improve user experience for all mobile users.
Mobile Friendly Website Site Check
Is your website mobile friendly? Check it out for yourself here by clicking the link below and entering your website url here – Google Mobile-Friendly-Website test.
Viper Online Proven Mobile-Friendly-Websites
If your website is not mobile friendly, then this needs to be your number 1 online priority because you don’t want your customers looking to your competitors for products and services you can provide. You don’t want them to bounce off your “frustrating” non – mobile-friendly-website, do you?
Why consider us?
– We can convert your website to a fully Responsive Mobile-Friendly-Website functional on all mobile platforms
– We can optimize your website for mobile search in conformity with Google updates
– We’ve helped many eCommerce sites optimize their mobile experience, and manage their security and risk in the last quarter.
We Can Help You
Connect with us today, we’re here to help you attract those visitors, so you can turn them into leads and sales and dominate your competition.
FREE Mobile Friendly Website Consultation
If you know of any businesses that needs to make their website mobile friendly, please share and pass this on.
Jason Whitewood
If Your Not Mobile Your Missing Out!