The Future is Now: Perth Website Design Experts Prepare You for 2014
April 8, 2014
The Future is Now: Perth Website Design Experts Prepare You for 2014

Smartphones have been all the rage in recent years. After all, these handy devices are as incredibly convenient as a Swiss army knife. The multi-functionality of these little gadgets has led many people to believe that smartphones are set to dominate device usage in the country, as seen in a report from The Australian:

“This year is going to be a massive year in terms of the post-PC era,” Telsyte research director Foad Fadaghi says.

“Our estimates are that in 2014, the penetration of smartphones will exceed computers, with tablets closely behind. Tablets will exceed that penetration a couple of years after that.”

Fadaghi says Telsyte’s analysis in its Australian Digital Consumer Study factored in the millions of businesses and private users still operating PCs when determining device usage. People are sitting on four, five or six-year-old machines but are using them less and upgrading less.

Roughly 7.5 million Australians use their smartphones to browse the Internet according to data compiled by the ACMA. The odds that your business’ target market is among those nearly-8 million are definitely in your favour. It will be even better if your business has a website and you’ve used SEO and other marketing techniques to ensure that your target audience will find you.

Unfortunately, having a website is not enough to keep up with the emerging trends. Research has shown that large websites often take too long to load on mobiles devices, prompting people to give up loading the page and trying something else— possibly even a competitor.

Luckily, you can opt to get responsive website design in Perth. Responsive web design automatically allows your website to match the specifications of the device used to access your site. This means no longer having to wait an eternity for a page to load. Pinching the screen to make words legible is also unnecessary.

The features of responsive web design are meant to reduce user inconvenience. This guarantees that your website keeps customers glued to the screen instead of leaving your website in a fit of impatience. Naturally, the convenience your new website provides also guarantees repeated usage in the future.

Everyone says the future is a mystery. However, we can predict the likelihood of events in the future based on what has happened in the past and what is currently happening in the present. That in mind, take the growing smartphone usage trend for what it is: a business opportunity. If your website does not use responsive web design yet, call an experienced Perth website designer like one from Viper Online to discuss updating your website.

(Source: Predictions 2014: Smartphone penetration to beat computers; The Australian; February 25, 2014)

This article was posted in Industry News.

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